10 Ways To Include Your Dog In Daily Activities

SarahDog Training, Dogs and Family, Enrichment, Indoor Manners1 Comment

St Louis Dog Training

by Guest Blogger, Caroline Wise WiseMamaBlog.com Most of our To Do lists are so long, we can’t imagine squeezing in another task. With a 6-month-old baby at home, I know this all too well. Unfortunately, our pets often suffer the consequences of our busy schedules. However, providing your dog with activity isn’t as difficult as you might think: include you pooch in the tasks you’re already doing. It doesn’t take any extra time, and it makes your dog feel like a valued part of the pack. Here are some ideas for how to include your canine in your daily activities. 1. Running the Stairs An exercised dog is a happy dog. One easy way to provide that exercise is to invite your dog to run up and down the stairs with you as you complete your normal housework. Every time I head to the basement to change the laundry, my … Read More

Hot Weather Driving Your Dog Crazy?

SarahEnrichment, Product Reviews, SeasonalLeave a Comment

When you wake up at 6 a.m. and the temperature is already 85 degrees, you can be sure that it’s bound to be a rough day ahead. What’s worse is that this record-breaking heat has wreaked havoc on the behavior of otherwise good dogs across the metropolitan area. Lots of dogs just simply aren’t getting the exercise that they might normally get, due to the unusually extreme weather. So what can you do when the weather is too hot (or too cold) to get out and exercise your dog? There are plenty of things that you can do to help him or her expend a bit of extra energy. Tempers usually rise when the thermometer readings are off the charts, so a little proactivity can go a long way in ensuring you are prepared and can remain level-headed when your dog gets a little stir crazy inside the house. Make … Read More

Baby, It’s Hot Outside

SarahDog Training, SeasonalLeave a Comment

So, here we are… It’s undoubtedly summer. Just peeking your head outside the house starts the sweat beads dripping down the side of your face, it’s difficult to breathe between the hours of 9am and midnight, and even the thought of going out for ice cream sounds counter-productive. But somehow, it doesn’t seem to bother Fido. And if there’s a human in the house, Fido wants it to take him for a walk. Whereas I am the biggest proponent for exercise with your dog, one thing is for sure… There are definitely times that maybe outside activity doesn’t seem like the best or healthiest option for either you or Fido. When the temperature and humidity levels reach the dangerous point, such as when Heat Advisory warnings are issued, it may be time to seek some other inside options for exercising and entertaining your dog. Here are just a few ideas: … Read More