“Guy Walks Into a Bar”… Alternatives to Doggy Confrontation

SarahAnxiety Issues, Dog TrainingLeave a Comment

St Louis Dog Training

So if you’ve spent any time with your dog attached to a 20 foot cotton lead, in a nice little park in Webster Groves, running away from other dogs, you’ve probably heard my “guy walks into a bar” analogy. Yes, it starts like a bad joke that should be followed up with a priest and a rabbi, except it doesn’t really have a punchline. Seriously though, for those lucky ones who haven’t heard, you might ask what’s the significance? Often times I’ll break out my “guy in a bar” routine to help dog owners identify with how their dog might be feeling when faced with challenging situations and doggy confrontation. We’ve all had one of those days, right?… Maybe it’s a Friday morning and you’re headed into work. It should be an easy breezy commute being at the end of the work week, but instead, you hit a major wreck on 270 … Read More

Managing Holiday Dog Stress

SarahAnxiety Issues, SeasonalLeave a Comment

holiday dog stress_st louis dog trainer

Photo courtesy of Oszkár Dániel Gáti Photography via boredpanda.com Well, well, well… You made it to the holiday season! Gone is the pressure of having to maintain that bathing suit body and perfect pedicure. Along with the holidays, of course, comes holiday parties and oh-so-much tasty food. Bring on the love handles and oversized sweaters, yeah! And just as you need to prep yourself and your home for your holiday parties, now is also a good time to check in with your pup to think about how they are going to handle the holiday season. Here are some things to consider… Is your dog nervous or tense around company? If you have a fearful or anxious dog, this is something that you are probably used to asking yourself. But if your dog is usually happy-go-lucky and what we trainers refer to as “bomb-proof,” signals of stress may be more subtle. … Read More

Livin’ the Free Life?

SarahAnxiety Issues, Crate Training, Indoor Manners, Leash TrainingLeave a Comment

St Louis Dog Training Dog Walking

There’s no doubt we want nothing but the best for our dogs. Sometimes what we term as “the best” for our dogs can often be translated to what allows our dogs maximum freedom, particularly at home. For example, freedom to run in a fenced yard, freedom from having to be in the crate while we’re gone, freedom to go in and outside through a doggy door whenever they want are all highly desired by pet parents. Indeed, there’s no timelier discussion as we just celebrated our country’s freedom and independence. The Importance of Freedom Lots of reasons come to mind why we set goals of freedom for our dogs. First of all, freedom equals fun, and who doesn’t want to have fun? We want to run, play and bask in the sun in our time off. What dog wouldn’t want that, too? Freedom for our dogs often means convenience for … Read More

Getting Your Dog Ready for Summer Action

SarahAnxiety Issues, Dog Training, SeasonalLeave a Comment

St Louis Dog Training Dog Walking

Published on Petsway.com – Wednesday, April 20, 2016 Did spring break and Easter sneak up on you? How about tax day?… Well, guess what? Summer is just around the corner, so consider yourself duly warned. That means time to start that swimsuit diet, planning those summer BBQs and finding plenty of activities for the kids to keep them busy. With all the craziness of planning for the human family members of the home, don’t forget to prep your dog for those classic summer activities, too! Summer is all about family-time, and your dog definitely qualifies as family. You want his summer to be as fun and stress-free as possible, too, don’t you? So here are some things to think about as you’re planning for summer fun with your dog: Vacation – Does your dog get to travel with you on your road trip? Awesome, unless your dog refuses to get … Read More

The “Four-Legged” Approach to Good Behavior

SarahAnxiety Issues, Dog Training, Dogs and Family, Enrichment5 Comments

St Louis Dog Training Dog Walking

Image courtesy of http://jonathanturley.org One of my most cherished bosses in the world once used the analogy that there are 3 “legs of the bar stool” of that particular company that supported our department and its efforts. Without one of those “legs” the entire operation would come crashing down. I love the first day of group dog training classes, where I get to share my philosophy on training and get students on the same page before they even bring their dogs to class. This is where I, too, get to use my own “bar stool” analogy when it comes to obtaining good dog behavior. Except in my version, there’s four legs to the bar stool. Let’s face it, when there’s something as unpredictable as dog behavior at stake, you want to make sure you’re on the most stable foundation possible… Leg 1 – Nutrition What you put in Fido’s mouth … Read More