Why Spot Needs His Own “Spot”

SarahAnxiety Issues, Dog Training, Indoor MannersLeave a Comment

With the pet care expenditures topping over 52 billion dollars in 2012, it’s no surprise that we tend to pamper, dare I say spoil, our pets from time to time. With sparkly, studded collars, designer sweaters and even nail polish available to purchase for our pooches, some things may be a smidge on the unnecessary side. One might even say the same thing about dog beds, too. After all, since when did dogs upgrade themselves from sleeping on the concrete pad outside under the back stairs to needing a “Luxury Suede Pillow top Pet Bed” of their very own? Admittedly, there’s probably a happy medium in there somewhere. Nevertheless, I am a huge proponent that every dog needs a dedicated “spot” or perch in the home. There are at least three reasons that a dog could benefit from a spot – aka a bed, mat or climb of their very own. … Read More

Combatting the Counter Surfer

SarahDog Training, Indoor MannersLeave a Comment

Are you tired of making dinner for yourself, only to discover that your dog helped himself to it first? Are you sick of jumping up and down from a relaxing evening on the couch to see what the dog has gotten into now? And are you completely done with having to clean the counters constantly due to evidence of dirty dog paws? If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, it sounds like you have a counter surfer, or a dog that just cannot help himself from stealing, chewing or licking anything that you could possibly have out on the counters (kitchen, bathroom or otherwise). Why does a dog counter surf? There could be a couple reasons that your dog could be counter surfing. The most obvious reason is that there is something desirable, like food, out on the counters. If your dog is tall enough and they haven’t … Read More

Baby, It’s Hot Outside

SarahDog Training, SeasonalLeave a Comment

So, here we are… It’s undoubtedly summer. Just peeking your head outside the house starts the sweat beads dripping down the side of your face, it’s difficult to breathe between the hours of 9am and midnight, and even the thought of going out for ice cream sounds counter-productive. But somehow, it doesn’t seem to bother Fido. And if there’s a human in the house, Fido wants it to take him for a walk. Whereas I am the biggest proponent for exercise with your dog, one thing is for sure… There are definitely times that maybe outside activity doesn’t seem like the best or healthiest option for either you or Fido. When the temperature and humidity levels reach the dangerous point, such as when Heat Advisory warnings are issued, it may be time to seek some other inside options for exercising and entertaining your dog. Here are just a few ideas: … Read More