Combatting the Counter Surfer

SarahDog Training, Indoor MannersLeave a Comment

Are you tired of making dinner for yourself, only to discover that your dog helped himself to it first? Are you sick of jumping up and down from a relaxing evening on the couch to see what the dog has gotten into now? And are you completely done with having to clean the counters constantly due to evidence of dirty dog paws? If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, it sounds like you have a counter surfer, or a dog that just cannot help himself from stealing, chewing or licking anything that you could possibly have out on the counters (kitchen, bathroom or otherwise). Why does a dog counter surf? There could be a couple reasons that your dog could be counter surfing. The most obvious reason is that there is something desirable, like food, out on the counters. If your dog is tall enough and they haven’t … Read More