Product Review: Ruffwear Slackline Leash

SarahDog Walking, Leash Training, Product Reviews1 Comment

Loyal to leather If it’s possible to be in love with a dog leash, than this would be nothing short of true love… For years and years, I’ve been loyal to the leather leash. Afterall, a nicely worn leather leash is about as comfortable as in your hand as big fuzzy slippers on your feet. I’m also a big fan of using a waist leash to walk your dog, specifically if you are teaching loose leash walking skills. I’ve relied primarily on the leather Convertible Service Dog Leash offered by J&J Supplies as my go-to waist belt for training and running… until now. A new generation of leashes In my constant and relentless quest for tools to make managing unruly dogs easier, I found the exquisitely feature-heavy Ruffwear Front Range Harness, which was named as one of the best no-pull harnesses by The Whole Dog Journal this year. But, even more exciting than that, I … Read More

Group Class Isn’t Just for Bad Dogs

SarahDog Training, Enrichment, Group Classes, Indoor Manners2 Comments

St Louis Dog Training

So your dog can’t behave itself. It definitely happens from time to time that a dog is so unruly that you have no choice but to accept it’s time to seek the help of a professional trainer. That help may come in the form of one-on-one private lessons, or an alternative is a cost-effective group obedience class. But what if your dog isn’t such a bad dog? Does that mean that group classes are a waste of time and money for you? Absolutely not! There are lots of benefits that can come from taking your dog to a group class, even if your dog is rather well-behaved. Test Your Dog’s Skills in a New Environment First of all, there’s no such thing as an overly-obedient dog. It certainly couldn’t hurt for your dog to attend a class and improve upon existing obedience skills. Your dog may perform well inside your … Read More

Keeping Kids Safe Around Dogs

SarahDog Training, Dogs and FamilyLeave a Comment

Keeping Kids Safe_St Louis Dog Trainer

Photo courtesy of Dogs can add so much to your home and family life. But keeping your family and kids safe is the number one priority. Dog management, training and preventing dog bites can help to ensure that your children will be able to experience the pure joy that can come from having a dog in your family for many, many years. Supervision and Managing the Space An important part of keeping your kids safe around dogs is to set rules and physical boundaries. For example, dogs and small children should never be left together unsupervised. If you are unable to supervise, consider using easy tools like baby gates, crates or a leash tether to prevent the dog and the children from interacting. If you have a very active dog, be sure to give him something to entertain himself while restricted, like a stuffed Kong toy or long-lasting chew … Read More

The “Four-Legged” Approach to Good Behavior

SarahAnxiety Issues, Dog Training, Dogs and Family, Enrichment5 Comments

St Louis Dog Training Dog Walking

Image courtesy of One of my most cherished bosses in the world once used the analogy that there are 3 “legs of the bar stool” of that particular company that supported our department and its efforts. Without one of those “legs” the entire operation would come crashing down. I love the first day of group dog training classes, where I get to share my philosophy on training and get students on the same page before they even bring their dogs to class. This is where I, too, get to use my own “bar stool” analogy when it comes to obtaining good dog behavior. Except in my version, there’s four legs to the bar stool. Let’s face it, when there’s something as unpredictable as dog behavior at stake, you want to make sure you’re on the most stable foundation possible… Leg 1 – Nutrition What you put in Fido’s mouth … Read More

Containing Your Dog May Be the Key to Calmer Behavior

SarahCrate Training, Indoor Manners, PuppiesLeave a Comment

Do you have a dog won’t listen and won’t pay attention? Is your dog too hyper? Does your dog know exactly what to do but is just plain stubborn? I hear these complaints all too often from clients. After a little investigating and digging a little deeper into the dog’s daily routine, the issue becomes clear. Your dog’s lifestyle is more like a permanent trip to the doggie equivalent of Disney World. In other words, the dog has too many options on how to entertain themselves, so much so that they never are able to settle down and focus. Oftentimes, these dogs are given full roam of the house at a very early age. This is like turning a child loose in a gigantic, over-stimulating theme park. So many places to run, so many places to hide… so many ways to get into trouble, too! This “all access” approach often … Read More